its damn difficult 2 understand composition bt i hd 2 try em trying ......wat u watching at start trying......
try 2 getting into composition
start grwoing up wid fundamentals bt many mistakes ,very curious be very clean n clear matte(all matte pained by graphire 4)
chumaaa ! means simply
morning excercise
hehe very funny bt very i njoyin drawing wid tablet its lik mornin excercise for me before brush up teeth
first effort by tablet
1st paint
Final Project -SEM I
This is my final project for sem I .
including all procedure frm storyboarding to composting took 1 month to accomplished dis effect
still not satisfied thought it is suppose to be final submission for me.
making volumetric shader was toughest part i faced while doing dis project(technical difficulties was always thr bt seniors helped out very well)
em still working on it . . .
Cig smoke
Dis is an assignment done by me.
cigrate smoke hv lot 2 learn bt for us it was for juz understand wat is simulation n how it works fields which is exist in d univers.